Mounho B. 2009. Preclinical toxicology studies to support the development of monoclonal abs: Scientific issues and challenges. Presented at Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s PEGS Summit, April 6-10, Boston, MA.

Scott, LLF, Staskal, DF, Williams ES, Luksemburg WJ, Urban JD, Nguyen LM, Haws LC, Birnbaum LS, Paustenbach DJ, Harris MA. 2009. Levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, and biphenyls in southern Mississippi catfish and estimation of potential health risks. Chemosphere 74(7):1002-10.

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Mounho B. 2009. Scientific challenges in preclinical studies to support the clinical development of biologics. Presented at Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference, February 25-27, San Francisco, CA.

Thompson CM, Grafstrom RC. 2009. Commentary: Mechanistic considerations for associations between formaldehyde exposure and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Environ Health 8:53.

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Mounho B. 2009. Preclinical development of biologics. Presented at Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference, February 25-27, San Francisco, CA.

Thompson CM, Sonawane B, Grafström RC. 2009. The ontogeny, distribution and regulation of alcohol dehydrogenase 3: Implications for pulmonary physiology. Drug Metab Disposit 37(8):1565-1571.

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Mounho B. 2009. Comparability challenges: Regulatory and scientific issues in the assessment of biopharmaceuticals. Presented at Drug Information Association Meeting.

Thompson CM, Johns DO, Sonawane S, Barton HA, Hattis D, Tardif R, Krishnan K. 2009. Database for physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling: Physiological parameters for healthy and health-impaired elderly. J Toxicol Environ Health, Part B 12:1–24.

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Lea IA, Jackson MA, Dunnick JK. 2009. Genetic pathways to colorectal cancer. Mutat Res 670(1–2):96–98.

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Mounho B. 2009. Nonclinical safety assessment studies to support manufacturing process changes for Vectibix®. Presented at Drug Information Association Meeting.