Perry C , Proctor D. Short-term environmental inhalation toxicity criteria for airborne manganese protective of neurological and respiratory effects for use in air toxics risk assessment. Presentation 5-15.T-04 to Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pittsburgh PA, November 2022.
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: Metals
Proctor D, Mittal L , Vivanco S, Perry C , Blanchette A. Probabilistic health risk assessment for residential exposures to metals in electric arc furnace (EAF) steel slag. Presentation 5.15.P-Th123 to Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pittsburgh PA, November 2022.
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: Metals
Perry C , Proctor D. Short-term environmental inhalation toxicity criteria for airborne manganese protective of neurological and respiratory effects for use in air toxics risk assessment. Presentation 5-15.T-04 to Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pittsburgh PA, November 2022.
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: Manganese , Metals
Heintz MM , Chappell GA, Thompson CM , Haws LC. 2022. Evaluation of transcriptomic responses in livers of mice exposed to the short-chain PFAS compound HFPO-DA. Front Toxicol 4:937168, .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: PFAS , Toxicology
Heintz MM , Chappell GA, Thompson CM , Haws LC. 2022. Evaluation of transcriptomic responses in livers of mice exposed to the short-chain PFAS compound HFPO-DA. Front Toxicol 4(Jun 26):937168; doi: 10.3389/ftox.2022.937168 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: PFAS , Toxicology
Goyak KO, Sarang SS, Franzen A , Borghoff SJ , Ryman-Rasumssen JP. 2022. Adverse outcome pathway (AOP): α2u-globulin nephropathy and kidney tumors in male rats. Crit Rev Toxicol, online open access .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Toxicology
Henderson RG , Nguyen H. 2022. Pathways to the US supplement market: New Dietary Ingredient notification and Generally Recognized as Safe determination. Chapter 19 in: Ruthsatz M, Wong AW (eds), Nutrition, Health, and Disease: Regulatory Policy Matters. Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society (RAPS), online store .
Publication: Book Chapters
/ Topics: Toxicology
Doepker C, Movva N, Cohen SS, Wikoff DS . 2022. Benefit-risk of coffee consumption and all-cause mortality: A systematic review and disability adjusted life year analysis. Food Chem Toxicol 170(Dec):113472; doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2022.113472 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Exposure Assessment , Food science , Systematic Review , Toxicology
Lefever TW, Trexler KR, Henderson RG , Bonn-Miller MO. Pre-clinical evaluation of cannabidiol toxicity in rats. Poster presented at the 32nd Annual International Cannabinoid Research Society Symposium on the Cannabinoids, Galway, Ireland, June 2022.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: Toxicology
Reichert H, Suh M , Jiang X, Movva N, Bylsma LC, Fryzek JP, Nelson CB. 2022. Mortality associated with respiratory syncytial virus, bronchiolitis, and influenza among infants in the United States: A birth cohort study from 1998 to 2018. J Infect Dis 226(Suppl 2):S246–S254; doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiac127 .
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