Haws LC, Scott LLF, Staskal DF, Harris MA, Finley BL. Dioxin-like compounds in workers at a primary magnesium production facility. Dioxin 2007, Tokyo, Japan, September 2007.

Haws LC, Scott LLF, Staskal DF, Harris M, Finley B. Evaluation of biomonitoring data for dioxin-like compounds in workers at a primary magnesium production facility. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, December 2007.

Haws LC, Walker NJ, DeVito MJ, Birnbaum LS, Unice KM, Scott PK, Harris MA, Farland WH, Finley BL, Staskal DF. Development of weighted distributions of REPs for dioxin-like compounds (DLCs). Society of Toxicology 46th Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, March 2007.

Perry, C.S. Vibrios in surface waters and a hypothetical scenario using EPA’s Environmental Consequence Assessment Tool (ECAT). Society for Risk Analysis annual meeting, December 9-12, 2007. San Antonio, TX.

Smith, J.D., Perry C., Garcia, S., Jenkins, A., Dwyer, M., Garrahan, K. Emergency Consequence Assessment Tool (ECAT) for USEPA NHSRC. Society for Risk Analysis annual meeting, December 9-12, 2007. San Antonio, TX.

Staskal DF, Donovan EP, Haws LC, Roberts JD, Unice KM, Finley BL, Harris MA. A quantitative microbial risk assessment for exposure to pathogens in waters and sediments of the Lower Passaic River. Society for Risk Analysis annual meeting, San Antonio, TX, December 2007.

Staskal DF, Scott LLF, Williams, ES, Luksemburg WJ, Haws LC, Birnbaum LS, Nguyen LM, Paustenbach DJ, Harris MA. Daily intake estimates of PBDEs associated with consumption of catfish in the U.S. Presented at the Fourth International Workshop on Brominated Flame Retardants, Amsterdam, Netherlands, April, 2007.

Staskal DF, Donovan E, Roberts J, Unice K, B. Finley B, Harris M. 2007. Human health risk associated with exposure to pathogen-contaminated sediments. Society of Toxicology, Charlotte, NC, March 2007.

Urban JD, Thornley K, Wightman RW, Mailman RB. Pharmacological characterization of the N27-D2L cell line: assessment as a viable cell model for investigating D2L receptor dopaminergic-coupled functions. Society of Toxicology 46th Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, March 2007.


Finster M., MacDonell, M., Bhattacharyya, M., Haroun L., Peterson J., and Perry, C. Environmental fate and cumulative risk context for cleanup programs. Society for Risk Analysis’ Annual Meeting. December 3-6, 2006. Baltimore, MD.