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Gentry R, Thompson CM, Franzen A, Salley J, Albertini R, Lu K, Greene T. 2020. Using mechanistic information to support evidence integration and synthesis: A case study with inhaled formaldehyde and leukemia. Crit Rev Toxicol 50(10):885–918, DOI: 10.1080/10408444.2020.1854678.

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Eichenbaum G, Yang K, Gebremichael Y, Howell BA, Murray FJ, Jacobson-Kram D, Jaeschke H, Kuffner E, Gelotte CK, Lai JCK, Wikoff D, Atillasoy E. 2020. Application of the DILIsym® Quantitative Systems Toxicology drug-induced liver injury model to evaluate the carcinogenic hazard potential of acetaminophen. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 118:104788.

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Fergie J, Gonzales T, Suh M, Jiang X, Fryzek J, Howard A, Bloomfield A. Medically attended respiratory syncytial virus hospitalizations (RSVH) and all-cause bronchiolitis hospitalizations (BH) among children aged ≤24 months at RSV season start with higher-risk congenital heart disease (CHD) before and after the 2014 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) policy. Presentation to IDWeek Conference on Infectious Disease, Virtual, October 2020.

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Zorn KM, Foil DH, Russo DP, Clark AM, Hillwalker W, Feifarek D, Jones F, Klaren W, Brinkman A, Ekins S. Generation of machine-learning models to anticipate endocrine disruption. Society of Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting, virtual, 2020.

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Brinkman AM, Klaren WD, Feifarek DJ, Hillwalker W, Jones F, Zorn KM, Ekins S. Use of a weighted scheme for the interpretation and contextualization of in vitro and in silico-derived estrogenic endpoints. Society of Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting, virtual, 2020.

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Thompson CM, Gentry R, Fitch S, Lu K, Clewell HJ. 2020. An updated mode of action and human relevance framework evaluation for formaldehyde-related nasal tumors. Crit Rev Toxicol 50(10):919–952; doi: 10.1080/10408444.2020.1854679.

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Grimm FA, Klaren WD, Li X, Lehmler HJ, Karmakar M, Robertson LW, Chiu WA. Rusyn I. 2020. Cardiovascular effects of polychlorinated biphenyls and their major metabolites. Environ Health Persp 128(7):77008; doi: 10.1289/EHP7030. PMID: 32701041.

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Zorn KM, Foil DH, Lane TR, Russo DP, Hillwalker W, Feifarek DJ, Jones F, Klaren WD, Brinkman AM, Ekins S. 2020. Machine learning models for estrogen receptor bioactivity and endocrine disruption prediction. Environ Sci Technol 54(19):12202–12213; doi: 10.1021/acs.est.0c03982. PMID: 32857505.

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House JS, Grimm FA, Klaren WD, Dalzell A, Kuchi S, Zhang S, Lenz K, Boogaard PJ, Ketelsegers HB, Gant TW, Wright FA, Rusyn I. 2020. Grouping of UVCB substances with new approach methodologies (NAMs) data. ALTEX 38(1):123–137; doi: 10.14573/altex.2006262.

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