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Staskal-Wikoff DF, Harris MA, Haws LC, Birnbaum LS, Tachovsky JA. Probabilistic evaluation of cancer and non-cancer risk associated with exposure to BDE 209 in automobiles. Presented at Dioxin 2009. Beijing, China, 2009.

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Oller AR, Cappellini D, Henderson RG, Bates HK. 2009. Comparison of nickel release in solutions used for the identification of water-soluble nickel exposures and in synthetic lung fluids. J Environ Monit 11(4):823–829.

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Urban JD, Tachovsky JA, Staskal DF, Haws LC, Harris MA. Human health risk assessment of consumption of fish from the Lower Passaic River. Presented at Annual Meeting of Society for Toxicology 48th Annual Meeting Baltimore, MD, March 2009.

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