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Proctor DM, Suh M , Mittal L , Hirsch S, Salgado RV, Bartlett C, Van Landingham C, Rohr A, Crump K. 2015. Inhalation cancer risk assessment of hexavalent chromium based on updated mortality for Painesville chromate production workers. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 26(2):224-231. doi: 10.1038/jes.2015.77.
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Topics: Chrome VI , Cr(VI) MOA Study , Hexavalent Chromium
James RC, Britt JK , Halmes NC, Guzelian PS. 2015. Evidence-based causation in toxicology: A 10-year retrospective. Hum Exp Toxicol 34(12):1245–1252.
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Thompson CM , Wolf JC, Elbekai RH, Paranjpe MG, Seiter JM, Chappell MA, Tappero RV, Suh M , Proctor DM, Bichteler A, Haws LC, Harris MA. 2015. Duodenal crypt health following exposure to Cr(VI): Micronucleus scoring, γ-H2AX immunostaining, and synchrotron x-ray fluorescence microscopy. Mutat Res 789–790:61–66.
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Topics: Chrome VI , Cr(VI) MOA Study , Hexavalent Chromium
Klaren WD , Gadupudi GS, Wels B, Simmons DL, Olivier AK, Ludewig G, Robertson LW. 2015. Progression of micronutrient alteration and hepatotoxicity following acute exposure to PCB126. Toxicol 338(Dec):1–7; doi: 10.1016/j.tox.2015.09.004 . PMID: 26410179.
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Topics: PCBs , Toxicology
Gadupudi GS, Klaren WD , Olivier AK, Klingelhutz AJ, Robertson LW. PCB126-induced disruption in gluconeogenesis and fatty acid oxidation precedes fatty liver in male rats. Superfund Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2015.
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Topics: PCBs , Toxicology
Thompson CM , Young RR, Suh M , Dinesdurage HR, Elbekai RH, Harris MA, Rohr AC, Proctor DM. 2015. Assessment of the mutagenic potential of Cr(VI) in the oral mucosa of Big Blue® transgenic F344 rats. Environ Mol Mutagen 56:621-628.
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Topics: Chrome VI , Cr(VI) MOA Study , Hexavalent Chromium
Young RR, Thompson CM , Dinesdurage HR, Elbekai RH, Suh M , Rohr AC, Proctor DM. 2015. A robust method for assessing chemically induced mutagenic effects in the oral cavity of transgenic Big Blue® rats. Environ Mol Mutagen 56:629-636.
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Topics: Chrome VI , Cr(VI) MOA Study , Hexavalent Chromium
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