Thompson CM , Kirman CR, Hays SM, Suh M , Harvey SE , Proctor DM, Rager JE, Haws LC, Harris MA. 2018. Integration of mechanistic and pharmacokinetic information to derive oral reference dose and margin-of-exposure values for hexavalent chromium. J Appl Toxicol 38:351–365; doi: 10.1002/jat.3545 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Thompson CM, Suh M , Proctor DM, Haws LC, Harris MA. 2017. Ten factors for considering the mode of action of Cr(VI)-induced gastrointestinal tumors in rodents. Mutation Res 823:45-57.
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Publication: Manuscripts
Thompson CM , Young RR, Dinesdurage H, Suh M , Harris MA, Rohr AC, Proctor DM. 2017. Assessment of the mutagenic potential of hexavalent chromium in the duodenum of Big Blue® rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 330(1):48-52.
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Publication: Manuscripts
Kirman CR, Suh M , Proctor DM, Hays SM. 2017. Improved physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for oral exposures to chromium in mice, rats, and humans to address temporal variation and sensitive populations. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 325:9-17.
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Publication: Manuscripts
Kirman CR, Proctor D, Suh M , Haws L, Harris M, Thompson C , Hays S. Using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling to address potentially sensitive subpopulations exposed to hexavalent chromium. Poster presented at Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 2017.
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Rager JE, Thompson CM, Ring C , Fry RC, Harris MA. Integration of transcriptomics and high-throughput screening predictions with robust in vivo data to inform hexavalent chromium mode of action. Poster presented at Society of Toxicology 56th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 2017.
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Suh M, Harvey S, Wikoff D, Mittal L, Ring C, Goodmanson A, Proctor D. Meta-analysis of hexavalent chromium and stomach cancer. Poster presented at Society of Toxicology 56th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 2017.
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Thompson CM , Wolf, JC, McCoy A, Suh M , Proctor DM, Kirman CR, Haws LC, Harris MA. 2017. Comparison of toxicity and recovery in the duodenum of B6C3F1 mice following treatment with intestinal carcinogens captan, folpet, and hexavalent chromium. Toxicol Pathol 45(8):1091–1101; doi: 10.1177/019262331yy4324 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Thompson CM , Bichteler A, Rager JE, Suh M , Proctor DM, Haws LC, Harris MA. 2016. Comparison of in vivo genotoxic and carcinogenic potency to augment mode of action analysis: Case study with hexavalent chromium. Mut Res/Genetic Toxicol Environ Mutagen 800-801(April):28-34; doi: 10.1016/j.mrgentox.2016.01.008 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Thompson CM , Bichteler A, Rager JE, Suh M , Proctor DM , Haws LC , Harris MA. 2016. Comparison of in vivo genotoxic and carcinogenic potency to augment mode of action analysis: Case study with hexavalent chromium. Mut Res/Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen 800-801(April):28-34; doi: 10.1016/j.mrgentox.2016.01.008 .
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