Staskal DF , Diliberto JJ, DeVito MJ, Birnbaum LS. 2005. Inhibition of human and rat CYP1A2 by TCDD and dioxin-like chemicals. Toxicol Sci 84(2):225-31; doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfi090 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Birnbaum LS, Staskal DF , Diliberto JJ. 2003. Health effects of polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PBDDs) and dibenzofurans (PBDFs). Environ Inter 29(6):855-860; 10.1016/S0160-4120(03)00106-5 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Staskal DF , DeVito MJ, Ross DG, Birnbaum LS. 2003. Caffeine, acetanilide, and methoxyresorufin metabolism by rat and human CYP1A2 SUPERSOMES and their inhibition by 2,3,7,8,-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Organohalogen Compounds.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Staskal DF , DeVito MJ, Ross DG, Birnbaum LS. Inhibition of human and rat CYP1A2 by TCDD and dioxin-like chemicals. Society of Toxicology 41st Annual Meeting, March 2002.