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Staskal DF, Scott LLF, Haws LC, Luksemburg WJ, Birnbaum LS, Nguyen LM, Urban JD, Williams ES, Paustenbach DJ, Harris MA. 2008. Assessment of polybrominated diphenyl ether exposures and health risks associated with consumption of southern Mississippi catfish. Environ Sci Technol 42(17):6755-6761.

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Urban JDHaws LC, Scott LF, Scott PS, Staskal DF, Tachovsky AT, Unice KM, Harris MA. A framework for evaluating serum dioxin data derived from biomonitoring studies. Presented at the Society of Toxicology 47th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, March 2008.


Haws LC, Scott LLF, Staskal DF, Harris MA, Finley BL. Dioxin-like compounds in workers at a primary magnesium production facility. Dioxin 2007, Tokyo, Japan, September 2007.

Haws LC, Scott LLF, Staskal DF, Harris M, Finley B. Evaluation of biomonitoring data for dioxin-like compounds in workers at a primary magnesium production facility. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, December 2007.

Haws LC, Walker NJ, DeVito MJ, Birnbaum LS, Unice KM, Scott PK, Harris MA, Farland WH, Finley BL, Staskal DF. Development of weighted distributions of REPs for dioxin-like compounds (DLCs). Society of Toxicology 46th Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, March 2007.


Haws LC, Scott PK, Unice KM, Gough M, Harris MA, Staskal DF, Paustenbach DJ, Pavuk M. Are dioxin body burdens surrogates for other risk factors in associations between dioxin and diabetes?  Dioxin 2006, Oslo, Norway, August 2006.

Haws LC, DeVito MJ, Birnbaum LS, Walker NJ, Scott PK, Unice KM, Harris MA, Farland WH, Finley BL, Staskal DF. An alternative method for establishing TEFs for dioxin-like compounds. Part 2. Development of an approach to quantitatively weight the underlying potency data. Dioxin 2006, Oslo, Norway, August 2006.

Scott PK, Haws LC, Staskal DF, Birnbaum LS, Walker NJ, DeVito MJ, Harris MA, Farland WH, Finley BL, Unice KM. An alternative method for establishing TEFs for dioxin-like compounds. Part 1. Evaluation of decision analysis methods for use in weighting relative potency data. Dioxin 2006, Oslo, Norway, August 2006.

Staskal DF, Unice KM, Walker NJ, DeVito MJ, Birnbaum LS, Scott PK, Harris MA, Farland WH, Finley BL, Haws LC. An alternative method for establishing TEFs for dioxin-like compounds. Part 3. Development of weighted distributions of REPs for PCB126 and 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF. Dioxin 2006, Oslo, Norway, August 2006.

Staskal DF, Ferriby LL, Williams ES, Luksemburg WJ, Haws LC, Birnbaum LS, Paustenbach DJ, Harris M. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in southern Mississippi catfish. Dioxin 2006, Oslo, Norway, August 2006.

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