Diliberto JJ, Sirinek L, Burkhalter B, Wikoff DS , Hixon G, Becker J, Patterson DG, Turner W, Tachovsky JA, Birnbaum LS, Haws LC. 2011. Endometriosis in a cohort of women living in the Kanawha River Valley in West Virginia: Blood levels of non-dioxin-like PCBs and relationship with BMI and age. Presented at Dioxin 2011, Brussels, Belgium, August 2011.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Haws LC, DeVito MJ, Walker NJ,Harris MA, Tachovsky JA, Birnbaum LS, Farland WH, Wikoff DS . 2011. Development of a consensus-based weighting framework for evaluating estimates of relative potency for dioxin-like compounds that includes consideration of data from human cells. Presented at Dioxin 2011, Brussels, Belgium, August 2011.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Haws LC, Fitzgerald L, Burkhalter B, Harris M, Wikoff DS . Assessment of the US EPA’s proposed toxicological values for TCDD for regulation of dioxin-like compounds in foods: Bridging the science divide in a global market. Presented at Dioxin 2011, Brussels, Belgium, August 2011.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Wikoff DS, Thompson C, Walker N, DeVito M, Harris M, Birnbaum L, Haws L. Derivation of relative potency estimates using benchmark dose modeling: A case study with TCDF. Presented at Dioxin 2011, Brussels, Belgium, August 2011.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Harris M, Tachovsky JA, Staskal-Wikoff D , Aylward L, Burkhalter B, Simon T, Haws L. Serum concentrations of dioxin-like compounds in a population in Midland, Michigan: An evaluation of the impact of soil exposures. Presented at Dioxin 2010, San Antonio, TX, September 2010.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Harris M, Tachovsky JA, Staskal-Wikoff D , Simon T, Burkhalter B, Urban J , Haws L. Assessment of the impact of various soil cleanup levels on serum concentrations of dioxin-like compounds in humans. Presented at Society of Toxicology 49th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 2010.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Haws L, Tachovsky JA, Staskal-Wikoff D , Aylward L, Burkhalter B, Urban J , Simon T, Harris M. An evaluation of the influence of different soil cleanup levels on the concentration of dioxin-like compounds in human serum. Presented at Dioxin 2010, San Antonio, TX, September 2010.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Staskal-Wikoff D, Burkhalter B, Stapleton H, Harris M. PBDEs in Newark Bay sediments. Presented at Dioxin 2010, San Antonio, TX, September 2010.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Urban JD, Tachovsky JA, Haws LC, Wikoff Staskal D , Harris MA. 2010. Response to Mugdan et al.’s comment on Urban et al. “Assessment of Human Health Risks Posed by Consumption of Fish from the Lower Passaic River, New Jersey.” Sci Tot Environ 408(6):1468-1470; doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2009.03.004 .
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
Urban J, Burkhalter B, Tachovsky JA, Haws L, Harris M. Evaluation of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) in Newark Bay sediment. Presented at Dioxin 2010, San Antonio, TX, September 2010.