Urban JD, Thompson CM, Plunkett LM, Perry CS, Haws LC. A state of the science copper reference dose for soil remediation. Presented at Society of Toxicology 54th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2015.

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Lai IK*, Klaren WD*, Li M, Wels B, Simmons DL, Olivier AK, Haschek WM, Wang K, Ludewig G, and Robertson LW. 2013. Does dietary copper supplementation enhance or diminish PCB126 toxicity in the rodent liver?  Chem Res Toxicol 26(5):634–644 (*Co-First Authors); doi: 10.1021/tx400049s. PMID: 23527585.

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Klaren WD, Lai IK, Robertson LW. Search for the basis of PCB-triggered disruption in hepatic copper in rodents. Best Poster Award, University of Iowa Research Week, Iowa City, IA, 2012.