Harris MATachovsky JA, Williams ES, Paustenbach DP, Haws LC. Assessment of the health risks posed by benzene in soft drinks. Presented at the Society of Toxicology 47th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, March 2008.

Haws LC, Unice KM, Tachovsky AT, Harris MA, DeVito MJ, WalkerNJ, Birnbaum LS, Farland WH, Nguyen L, Staskal DF. Assessment of the impact of using weighted distributions of REPs to develop exposure estimates for dioxin-like compounds. Presented at Dioxin 2008, Birmingham, England, August 2008.

Haws LC, DeVito MJ, Walker NJ, Birnbaum LS, Unice KM, Scott PK, Harris MATachovsky A, Farland WH, Finley BF,  Staskal DF. Development of weighted distributions of REPs for dioxin-like compounds: Implications for risk assessment. Presented at the Society of Toxicology 47th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, March 2008.

Scott LLF, Staskal DFHarris MA, Finley BL, Haws LC. Evaluation of dioxin-like compounds in workers from a primary magnesium production facility relative to levels observed in the general US population. Presented at the Society of Toxicology 47th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, March 2008.

Staskal DF, Donovan EP, Haws LC, Roberts JD, Unice KM, Finley BL, Harris MA. Human health risks associated with exposure to pathogens in waters and sediments of the Lower Passaic River. Presented at the Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, March, 2008.

Staskal DF. 2008. Roundtable: Case study on the risks and benefits of DecaBDE, a major brominated flame retardant. Presented at the Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, March 16-20, Seattle, WA.

Staskal DFTachovsky JAHarris MA, Haws LC. Preliminary evaluation of human health risk associated with exposure to PBDEs in the United States. Presented at Dioxin 2008, Birmingham, England, August 2008.

Tachovsky JAHarris MA, Staskal DF, Scott LF, Luksemburg WJ, Paustenbach DP, Haws LC. Analysis of fish tissue concentrations of dioxins and furans using principal components analysis. Presented at Dioxin 2008, Birmingham, England, August 2008.

Tachovsky JAStaskal DFHarris MA, Scott LF, Luksemburg WJ, Paustenbach DP, Haws LC. Principal components analysis of PBDE concentrations in fish tissue from southern Mississippi. Presented at Dioxin 2008, Birmingham, England, August 2008.

Urban JDHaws LCStaskal DF, Scott LF, Scott PS, Tachovsky AT, Unice KM, Harris MA. A framework for evaluating serum dioxin data derived from biomonitoring studies. Presented at Dioxin 2008, Birmingham, England, August 2008.