Staskal DF . 2008. Roundtable: Case study on the risks and benefits of DecaBDE, a major brominated flame retardant. Presented at the Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, March 16-20, Seattle, WA.
Staskal DF , Tachovsky JA , Harris MA , Haws LC . Preliminary evaluation of human health risk associated with exposure to PBDEs in the United States. Presented at Dioxin 2008, Birmingham, England, August 2008.
Topics: dioxin
Tachovsky JA , Harris MA , Staskal DF , Scott LF, Luksemburg WJ, Paustenbach DP, Haws LC . Analysis of fish tissue concentrations of dioxins and furans using principal components analysis. Presented at Dioxin 2008, Birmingham, England, August 2008.
Topics: dioxin
Tachovsky JA , Staskal DF , Harris MA , Scott LF, Luksemburg WJ, Paustenbach DP, Haws LC . Principal components analysis of PBDE concentrations in fish tissue from southern Mississippi. Presented at Dioxin 2008, Birmingham, England, August 2008.
Topics: dioxin
Urban JD , Haws LC , Staskal DF , Scott LF, Scott PS, Tachovsky AT , Unice KM, Harris MA . A framework for evaluating serum dioxin data derived from biomonitoring studies. Presented at Dioxin 2008, Birmingham, England, August 2008.
Topics: dioxin
Urban JD , Haws LC , Scott LF, Scott PS, Staskal DF , Tachovsky AT, Unice KM, Harris MA . A framework for evaluating serum dioxin data derived from biomonitoring studies. Presented at the Society of Toxicology 47th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, March 2008.
Topics: dioxin
Williams CW, Perry CS. 2008. Risk assessment for arsenic on indoor surfaces. Presented at the Society for Risk Analysis annual meeting, December 7-10, Boston, MA.
Diliberto, J.J., D.F. Staskal , H. Hakk, and L.S. Birnbaum. 2007. Differential Urinary Protien binding of PBDEs in Mice. Society of Toxicology. March 25-29, 2007. Charlotte, NC.
Dwyer, M., Perry, C ., and Jenkins, A. Trichloroethylene toxicity and risks: recent developments and potential implications. Presented at February 2007 Texas Association of Environmental Professionals — Environmental Challenges and Innovations Conference.
Emond, C., J. Raymer, E. Garner, J. Diliberto, D. Staskal , and L.S. Birnbaum. 2007. A physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model for developmental exposure to PBDE-47 in rodents. Society of Toxicology. March 25-29, 2007. Charlotte, NC.