Finster M., MacDonell, M., Bhattacharyya, M., Haroun L., Peterson J., and Perry, C . Environmental fate and cumulative risk context for cleanup programs. Society for Risk Analysis’ Annual Meeting. December 3-6, 2006. Baltimore, MD.
Gough, M., D. Paustenbach, B. Kerger, H. Leung, P. Scott, and M. Harris . 2006. Dioxin and diabetes does the current weight of evidence demonstrate a relationship. Society of Toxicology. March 5-9, 2006. San Diego, CA.
Harris, M. , L. Ferriby, J. Knutsen, P. Nony, K. Unice, and D. Paustenbach. 2006. Evaluation of PCDD/F and dioxin-like PCB serum concentration data from the 2001-2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in the United States. Society of Toxicology. March 5-9, 2006. San Diego, CA.
Haws, L. The Use of Toxic Equivalency Factors to Assess Potential Human Health Risks Posed by Dioxin-like Compounds: Keeping Up With the Science. Presented at Michigan State University, Toxicology Program Seminar Series. September 26, 2006.
Haws, L.C. , P.K. Scott, K.M. Unice, M. Gough, M.A. Harris , D.F. Staskal , D.J. Paustenbach, and M. Pavuk. Are Dioxin Body Burdens Surrogates for Other Risk Factors in Associations Between Dioxin and Diabetes? Dioxin 2006 . August 21-25, 2006. Oslo, Norway.
Haws, L.C. , M.J. DeVito, L.S. Birnbaum, N.J. Walker, P.K. Scott, K.M. Unice, M.A. Harris , W.H. Farland, B.L. Finley, and D.F. Staskal . An Alternative Method for Establishing TEFs for Dioxin-like Compounds. Part 2. Development of An Approach To Quantitatively Weight the Underlying Potency Data. Dioxin 2006 . August 21-25, 2006. Oslo, Norway.
Paustenbach, D.J., M.. Harris , L.L. Ferriby, E.S. Williams, L.C. Haws , K.M. Unice, and P.K. Scott. 2006. Development of PCDD/F TEQ serum reference values for the U.S. population for use in evaluating biomonitoring results. Dioxin 2006 . August 21-25, 2006. Oslo, Norway.
Richardson, V.M., D.F. Staskal , J.J. Diliberto, and L.S.Birnbaum. 2006. Effects of BDE 47 on nuclear receptor regulated genes and implications for thyroid hormone disruption. 45th Annual Meeting of Society for Toxicology. March 5-9, 2006. San Diego, CA.
Scott, P.K., L.C. Haws , D.F. Staskal , L.S. Birnbaum, N.J. Walker, M.J. DeVito, M.A. Harris , W.H. Farland, B.L. Finley, and K.M. Unice. An Alternative Method for Establishing TEFs for Dioxin-like Compounds. Part 1. Evaluation of Decision Analysis Methods for Use in Weighting Relative Potency Data. Dioxin 2006 . August 21-25, 2006. Oslo, Norway.
Staskal, D.F. , K.M. Unice, N.J Walker, M.J. DeVito, L.S. Birnbaum, P.K. Scott, M.A. Harris , W.H. Farland, B.L. Finley, and L.C. Haws . An Alternative Method for Establishing TEFs for Dioxin-like Compounds. Part 3. Development of Weighted Distributions of REPs for PCB126 and 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF. Dioxin 2006 . August 21-25, 2006. Oslo, Norway.