Liz Mittal, M.S.
Senior Engineer I


Phone(281) 769-2194
Fax(832) 218-2756
LocationHouston, TX
Address23501 Cinco Ranch Blvd
Suite H210
Katy, TX 77494



Professional Profile

Ms. Liz Mittal is a Senior Engineer I in ToxStrategies’ Houston, Texas, office. She has more than 10 years of experience in human health risk assessment, environmental modeling, and computational analysis. Ms. Mittal has conducted numerous human health risk assessments (e.g., Superfund, consumer, occupational, and radiological), evaluating risk from various exposure pathways, both deterministically and probabilistically. She has managed and statistically analyzed extensive environmental and industrial hygiene data sets. She has developed indoor air models to assess risks from household consumer products, and she is also experienced in AERMOD dispersion modeling to predict ambient air concentrations resulting from releases to air. Ms. Mittal’s expertise also includes conducting dose-response modeling to derive points of departure. She has used geographic information system (GIS) software to support quantitative assessments. Prior to her work in environmental engineering, she was a practicing chemical engineer in the semiconductor industry, designing and fabricating devices, and optimizing key manufacturing processes.

Ms. Mittal holds a master’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin, in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering. Her graduate research focused on innovative approaches to characterizing and monitoring exposure to sediment contaminants during remediation. She has conducted field studies using passive sampling techniques to evaluate the effectiveness of remedy caps at Superfund sites. She has also conducted laboratory investigations to quantify the sorption of contaminants onto various amendments for capping remedies.