Rayetta Henderson, Ph.D.
Director, Senior Managing Scientist


Phone(919) 797-9938
Fax(919) 869-2359
LocationHouston, TX
Address23501 Cinco Ranch Blvd
Suite H210
Katy, TX 77494



Professional Profile

Dr. Rayetta Henderson is a toxicologist and Director of ToxStrategies’ Foods & Consumer Products Practice. She has experience in the assessment of food, feed, and dietary supplement ingredients, including a focus on the study of botanicals. Dr. Henderson’s work includes developing materials to support regulatory submissions, such as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) and New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) notifications to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Since enactment of the 2018 Farm Bill, much of her work has focused on the assessment of cannabidiol (CBD) and other hemp-derived products for use in foods and dietary supplements, including safety assessment and toxicology testing programs.

Dr. Henderson has published academic and professional work in book chapters and peer-reviewed journals, has reviewed submissions for scientific journals, and regularly attends and presents at professional conferences and working groups. She also currently serves as an appointed member of the Organizing Committee for the Society of Toxicology (SOT) FDA Colloquia on Emerging Toxicological Science: Challenges in Food and Ingredient Safety.

Dr. Henderson has prior experience working for an international trade association, including aiding in the development of strategies for addressing regulatory and technical issues in the US and EU. In addition, in her previous role as technical manager of the global Nickel REACH Consortia, she managed the strategic planning and implementation of research programs to fulfill data requirements for nickel-containing substances for the EU’s REACH Regulation.

After attending the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (Durham, NC), Dr. Henderson earned her B.S. in Biology from Eckerd College (St. Petersburg, FL) and her Ph.D. in Toxicology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.